شركة ركن بغداد مرج الحمام / Bahgdad Corner Marj Al-Hammam de Amman

Jordanieشركة ركن بغداد مرج الحمام / Bahgdad Corner Marj Al-Hammam



🕗 horaire

Marj, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 6 573 3998
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.8906895, Longitude: 35.8595279

commentaires 5

  • en

    Mohammed Al-Adwan


    Good prices and services

  • en

    Mais Mohd


    Poor customer service, staff are generally unfriendly, parking lots are hard to find, huge range of products for every budget, but sales representatives give you a rude take it or leave it deals, making it almost impossible to think. Not so friendly management either. Monthly promotions are arranged but they make a lot of noise with large speakers, causing traffic jam since they put a tent in front of the store blocking the walk side way of the main street

  • Adnan Al-Omari

    Adnan Al-Omari


    مكان جيد لكن بحاجه الى مزيد من الاهتمام بالمواعيد

  • ar

    haneen awamleh


    اغلى من السوق. والتقسيط كزب

  • Wesam Bataineh

    Wesam Bataineh


    You can buy electronics in a reasonable price.. They have a lot of offers

Magasin d'électronique la plus proche

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