Qaysar Pizza de Amman

JordanieQaysar Pizza



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112, Abdullah Ghosheh St, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 586 2135
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.975778, Longitude: 35.853694

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Mohammad Alhawawsheh


    زمان كان كويس بس اخر فترة صار سيء

  • mohammed wardeh

    mohammed wardeh


    روووعه .. خدمه مميزه .. طعم لذيذ .. وقت مناسب .. مصاقيه .. والنظافه ١٠٠٪

  • Mostafa Nazar

    Mostafa Nazar


    Average pricese, delicious food. Offer variety of flavours. Overall great restaurant, recommend it.

  • Ahmad Sader

    Ahmad Sader


    The service here is bad, the pizza quality is nothing especial, staff are not trained and the place looks very old, tables and chairs are not comfortable at all. I will not recommend this place to anyone.

  • Mohanad Batarseh

    Mohanad Batarseh


    Qaysar restaurant located in a reachable although crowded part of Amman and have a wide range of delicious pizzas that satisfy most of the people taste. The pizza in general is very delicious and you should try wide range of their pizzas with all the time offers 3 small for 5 jd, 3 medium for 10 jd and 3 large with 15jd. Try to take 6 smalls for 10 jd to try larger amount of their pizzas. The atmosphere is nice but not that cosy and fancy.

Restaurant la plus proche

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