Punon Archaeological Site de Фейнан

JordaniePunon Archaeological Site


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Фейнан, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 30.6271524, Longitude: 35.4934214

commentaires 1

  • Jesús Díaz

    Jesús Díaz


    Khirbat Faynan is the Punon mentioned in the Bible and a most important copper mining site. You can see huge heaps of copper slag around bearing witness of the incessant mining activities through hundreds of years here. During Diocletian's reign, Christians were sent to force labor and martyrdom in the mines of Punon in the early 4th century AD. Later, during Byzantine times two churches and a monastery were built to commemorate their deaths. The place is undeveloped for tourism. As such there are no facilities of any kind on site. One should be mindful not to disturb anything, to keep out of the excavated areas and not to litter the place. Therefore, one's garbage should be collected and brought home.

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