Nara Cafe de Amman

JordanieNara Cafe



🕗 horaire

54, Al Rainbow St, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9999 9751
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.950059, Longitude: 35.924716

commentaires 5

  • en

    Meteb Al-Yosef


    Beuitful cafe in RainBow street in AMMAN JORDAN

  • en

    Omar Safadi



  • Bayan Alhaniah

    Bayan Alhaniah


    I request a coffe and shisha... They where perfect but the service is really poor.

  • tr

    Ozgur Ergunay


    Cok kalabalik guzel bir nargile salonu

  • fadie Abdel

    fadie Abdel


    Service sucks the waiters are busy talking to girls on the street or on their phones.and also their hookah is the worst. You would have to ask them for charcoal and they will tell you to wait and after 10 minutes of waiting you will get that charcoal .bi ordered the fresh fruit hookah head and believe me it was the worst hookah I ever smoked in my life and I'm big smoker I smoke like 3 to 4 times a day. I ain't coming back here anymore.

Café la plus proche

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