مطعم جامو كشمير de Amman

Jordanieمطعم جامو كشمير



🕗 horaire

142, Al-Madina Al-Monawara Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 6 553 5564
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9795537, Longitude: 35.8655149

commentaires 5

  • Bedouin Addy

    Bedouin Addy


    Dude !!!! This it was the best Indian food i ever had , the are slow service but every thing else was fine , cant wait to return !!!

  • ar

    Inaam Alrehany


    انا كتير بحب الاكل الهندي وجامو كشمير بعمل اكل هندي كتير كتير طيب وزاكي بنصح فيه بشده

  • Rafel Melhem

    Rafel Melhem


    Great Indian food and affordable. Welcoming and very helpful people that are NOT trying to ripping you off.

  • Mohannad AlHmoud

    Mohannad AlHmoud


    Great place for Indian food, alot of vegan and gluten free options are available. The ambience is cosy and calm, unlike other Indian restaurants in Amman where they tend to be loud. Highly recommended for Indian food lovers!

  • Akram Alsmadi

    Akram Alsmadi


    Very delicious indian food specially the korma sause, afghani chicken and vegetables rice and they're very fast

Restaurant la plus proche

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