مقهى ريترو Retro Cafe de Amman

Jordanieمقهى ريترو Retro Cafe



🕗 horaire

Omar Al-Kheyam Street, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9975 6633
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.952233, Longitude: 35.931678

commentaires 5

  • en

    yazeed A.R


    Best view for downtown Amman , non smoking , friendy place make you feel like home

  • Saif AbuSalameh

    Saif AbuSalameh


    Great coffee house in heart of Amman downtown.

  • aheda Mhanna

    aheda Mhanna


    The most Amazing place in the world

  • Barbara Georgina Toth

    Barbara Georgina Toth


    Great place in the heart of the city with delicious coffee.

  • Mohammad Altheeb

    Mohammad Altheeb


    One of the top 5 places in Amman's downtown , the place has magnificent views looking all over downtown Amman , the music selection and seatings are unique and the staff is really friendly. Also the fact that the place is a smoking free Cafe allows you to enjoy your time without being bothered by smoking or shisha. A definite recommendation, specially for foreigners visiting Amman and want to know the essence of the city.

Café la plus proche

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