Lucky Pet Shop de Amman

JordanieLucky Pet Shop



🕗 horaire

Al Shareef Naser Ben Jameel, Building #85, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9600 2115
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9777976, Longitude: 35.8884439

commentaires 5

  • saieed salah

    saieed salah


    It's really nice and amazing place. The people there are very respectable and helpful . I would like to go there again .

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    Alisha Milhim


    Best pet store in Jordan, you can feel the love and how much the animals are taken care of.

  • Mohammad Jilani

    Mohammad Jilani


    To be honest first of all I know the owner My pets are birds and they are not specialized for aviary I saw nice breeds of dogs They do provide trimming service for dogs and cats I saw many items of dogs food and cats good with a good brands I am not a fair judge of prices simply because I don't have an idea about dogs and cats All am saying that if where in birds it's not the best place for them Dogs seemed healthy but again it's my thing

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    Maha Murshid


    Sometimes i get my cat's food from there and get discount for more than 10 cans of wet food. Nice

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    Frank Steve


    Super unique pets. All you need in one place.

Animalerie la plus proche

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