Jordan River Border Crossing de Irbid Governorate

JordanieJordan River Border Crossing



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Irbid Governorate, Иордания
contact téléphone: +962
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.4950509, Longitude: 35.5791402

commentaires 5

  • Freddy Lubin

    Freddy Lubin


    We arrived today with our car, as we've done three times before, to travel with our friends from Germany. Only after crossing into Jordan, we were told that while our friends are free to enter, we can not, as Israeli Jews, without a guide and group. This is after we paid all the costs of leaving Israel, where no one was told of this change in policy. Either you have an open border, or you don't. Not allowing us to enter is ......, I don't want to be impolite.

  • Daniel Giovanni

    Daniel Giovanni


    Tempat nya sih lumayan cuma petugas imigrasinya ngasih pasport main di lemparin ajah!

  • Raymond Hung

    Raymond Hung


    It took us more than 30 mins. The luggage scan is not friendly




    Well performed user experience

  • David Singer

    David Singer


    Was very easy to navigate through this border. Beware the Jordanian side closes in Ramadan as evening approaches so they can break their fasts. Then they may or may not reopen.

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