Handicraft Center Mosaic Workshop de Madaba Governorate

JordanieHandicraft Center Mosaic Workshop


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Madaba Governorate, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7539879, Longitude: 35.7659158

commentaires 5

  • Marah Hodroj

    Marah Hodroj


  • en

    Laura Fonseca


  • carlos jimenez

    carlos jimenez


    Hay muchas cosas muy bonitas pero todo están a precios muy elevados

  • Ahmad Sanian

    Ahmad Sanian


    الاسعار سياحيه .. انا أهوى الاثريات لكن لست سائح

  • Suyash Mahan

    Suyash Mahan


    Excellent salespeople here, they never let go of you and you will end up buying a lot whether or not you wanted to. That said, the quality of the work and art here is amazing; this is definitely the place to do your handicraft/souvenir shopping in Jordan. Just be ready to negotiate a little bit and not feel too pushed by anyone.

Point d'intérêt la plus proche

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