Future Uniform Co de Amman

JordanieFuture Uniform Co



🕗 horaire

Ishnanah Commercial Complex, Abd Al Hameed Shoman St 2, Amman, Đ˜ĐŸŃ€ĐŽĐ°ĐœĐžŃ
contact téléphone: +962 6 569 9767
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.96758, Longitude: 35.900389

commentaires 5

  • fa

    Anmar Abdallat



  • Amena Abdulsattar

    Amena Abdulsattar


    The worst place ever... not professional at all they need more than a month to finish your order not only that they are never on time! What a shame make people drive to your place when it's far and future is not honest or stay with their word. I can say it's my fault I paid In full for the jacket I thought other wise but turned out wrong.

  • en

    Fedor Konyukhov


    A really good shop if you want to order embroidery or something with a logo.

  • en

    ITzMoodi 37


    to mush expansive

  • Baker Abdallah

    Baker Abdallah


    Best prints are found here but it's expensive

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