Exit Amman de Amman

JordanieExit Amman



🕗 horaire

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 7 9803 3088
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9544082, Longitude: 35.8551448

commentaires 5

  • ashraf haddad

    ashraf haddad


  • Save the world Best noob

    Save the world Best noob


  • Yazan



    I came here for a wedding and honestly it is a complete rip off. I was being charged prices from the managers head and when I asked to see a menu for the prices he said they don't have one (because it's a wedding). The cups would come with no ice and one of the people sitting in our table pulled out a long hair from his glass.

  • Reem Foudeh

    Reem Foudeh


    The most thrilling way to spend an hour of your day

  • en

    Lujain Qaffaf


    Its an amazing place for all ages, and a great place to teamwork

Magasin la plus proche

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