Donut House de אירביד

JordanieDonut House



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אירביד, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 8581 3100
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.5351071, Longitude: 35.8523272

commentaires 5

  • en

    Ahmed Fuad


    Soft drinks & fast food good place for families and couples and for students to study

  • en

    Eugene Alvarez


    Best coffee shop in town. Lots of young people. Nice people and beautiful Arab girls 😉

  • en

    SuhaiB Ata


    A great place to rest .. Tasty coffee and donut or waffle..

  • Nathaniel Muench

    Nathaniel Muench


    Great place to study and get work done, good vibes and good folks. Oh and we can't forget the donuts... They were also good.

  • Soufia AlShawagfeh

    Soufia AlShawagfeh


    It's a nice café to study in groups, with free Wi-Fi access and good coffee and snacks. And most importantly, it has a restroom! Though smoking is allowed even though signs that prohibit it are hung up, people do and the staff doesn't object. Oh and I don't think the donuts are freshly baked there.

Café la plus proche

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