Costa Coffee - prince Rashid de Amman

JordanieCosta Coffee - prince Rashid



🕗 horaire

Wadi As-Seir, Amman, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 7 9601 5019
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9666044, Longitude: 35.8447881

commentaires 5

  • Kinder



    Amazing service, especially the morning shift. Friendly staff and great coffee, what more could you ask for?

  • en

    Amal Castle


    Very helpful staff, the atmosphere of this branch is nicer than others. Coffee is good but a bit pricy. Smoking is prohibited inside, and the terrace is quite nice.

  • Mohammad Shahrouri

    Mohammad Shahrouri


    القهوة جيدة جدا، المكان لطيف و الموظفين بشوشين

  • en

    Amer Hajjaj


    Great coffee, good place for studying! Great customer service Staff always there to help, always smiling.

  • Dawn Marie Cutrufelli

    Dawn Marie Cutrufelli


    Wonderful staff... They make sure everyone has a seat. Will take the time to walk around and make sure everyone is good. It's a quiet location for studying , working, meeting friends . Staff and customers are respectful to each other. Location is easy to get to and if you are in a hurry they get you your coffee quick. They will also go the extra step to make sure everyone is safe and not being bothered by others.

Café la plus proche

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