Cliff Hotel de Amman

JordanieCliff Hotel



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Opp Hashem Resturant Prince Mohamed Street 11115, Amman, Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 462 4273
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9520721, Longitude: 35.9319787

commentaires 5

  • Khalil Khader

    Khalil Khader


    Nice simple hostel in the heart of downtown Amman good for visitors around the world but not Jordanin 🤣

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    Sadhi D.


    Avoid if possible The only reason I’m giving this 2 stars is because I stayed at a worse place - Elgee Hotel in Petra Pros Location, location, location! Walking distance to everything! Noisy fan drowns out the loud street noises Rooms were cold but they provided two blankets. Cons Filthy stairs leading upto the building Everything inside also just felt dirty Nowhere to keep your things in the bathrooms Drivers hang around in the lobby trying to get you to do tours with them They charge JD25 for airport pickup. Would have been half that price on Uber. There is a cooker in the kitchen but you’re only allowed to boil water in it. Doors are locked at night and you need to wake up the Manager to open them. I got a private room so paid extra. May have been value for money for the dorms but I felt cheated that this place had an average score of 8. This was the first place I stayed in Jordan and it gave me a bad first impression about the cleanliness of accomodation in the country (which was subsequently proven wrong in other hotels).

  • Jawad Ibrahim

    Jawad Ibrahim


    Good location good prices very nice people very clean

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    mark Roy


    Great is The location. Friendly indeed and knowledgeable is The owner Reasonable is The prices

  • Birgit Mitchell

    Birgit Mitchell


    Solid , clean, hotel/ hostel with nice interiour decorations. Up 5 flights of stairs. Very good to get some exercize. Nice people. Pretty rooms.

Lodging la plus proche

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