City Center Computer de Amman

JordanieCity Center Computer



🕗 horaire

28, Wasfi Al Tal St, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 562 6111
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9845322, Longitude: 35.8882285

commentaires 5

  • en



    A nice place where you can find any computer related things

  • IG Gamer

    IG Gamer


    Great place with great prices! Only bad thing is that the BIOS wasn’t downloaded on the PC I bought from there

  • Ashraf Sada

    Ashraf Sada


    The best place in the country to buy computer hardware and customized pc or laptops, competitive prices, nonetheless they need to focus better on AMD parts and not rely solely on ASUS.

  • Farah Hourani

    Farah Hourani


    great computer shop, yes the place is old and not that nice but their devices are great also they have one of the best prices

  • en

    Amer Hasanien


    I think this is one of the best computer shops in Jordan with so many options to buy. The customer service is excellent. The team is very helpful and patient as well as respectful. I'm sure whenever I need a laptop or a computer they will be my first option. However, the single issue is that it's tough to find a place for parking 🅿 in front or beside this shop, you may need to take a taxi 🚕 instead.

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