Champions Sports Bar & Restaurant de Sweimeh

JordanieChampions Sports Bar & Restaurant



🕗 horaire

Dead Sea Road, Sweimeh, ירדן
contact téléphone: +962 5 356 0400
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.7187124, Longitude: 35.5869453

commentaires 5

  • Zaynoun Sunna'a

    Zaynoun Sunna'a


    Excellent service with smiley face and delicious food .. near the pools so if you are hungry and require a quick bite it's the place to visit

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    Masa Awad


    Terrible and slow service. Overpriced, and the food isn't even that good

  • Khaled Hijab

    Khaled Hijab


    Although most of the Hotel's outlet restaurants offer great food, this particular one seems to have lost its charm. The service has declined in the past few years. Orders take an average of an hour for something as simple as a burger. I highly recommend the Italian restaurant Il Terazo or any of the hehe restaurants at the nearby Samarah Mall.

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    Haya Nabulsi


    The food took 1 hour (srsly ) They did not make the food in less than 30mins it was a simple spaghetti 🍝 and the place was not even crowded!! The employees were only 4 and 1chef (Not fast) I was hoping for a better experience at champions Dead Sea:(

  • Zayd Alhaddad

    Zayd Alhaddad


    Good atmosphere but the food quality has declined quite a bit in the past few years

Restaurant la plus proche

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