Carrefour de Amman




🕗 horaire

King Abdullah II Street, Amman, JO Jordan
contact téléphone: +962 6 550 5800
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9805238, Longitude: 35.8388186

commentaires 5

  • Phil Tucker

    Phil Tucker


    A very large store offering a very wide range of household as well as food items.

  • en

    alex england


    They have tofu!! In the refrigerator section, and I could only find d one type, but it's a medium firm fresh tofu so there's plenty of possiblities. The staff are all very professional and helpful, everyone I encountered spoke fluent English and Arabic, and the standard of the fresh produce was very high.

  • Layth Haddad

    Layth Haddad


    Best prices for groceries and household items, there are four hyper market for Carrefour in Jordan, this is the first and biggest one, Carrefour supermarkets are widespread more than 20 across Jordan, a bit more pricey but ok to shop from, For the bulk stocking up every couple of months I usually go to the hyper market

  • Heba Mahfouz

    Heba Mahfouz


    I love Carrefour. They always have some really good discounts on various products.

  • aayesha que

    aayesha que


    Nice place, it’s a shopping heaven for women who love to shop, it has from grocery shopping to home requirements, on first floor they have kitchen appliances, dishes, pots and pans, clothes, shoes, electronic appliances, carpet, makeup and cleaning products. On ground floor they have groceries, vegetables, nuts, bakery. So this place is convenient for one destination and complete shopping, only to remember don’t forget to make your list and take your list with you.

Supermarché la plus proche

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