Azayim For Catering Services de Amman

JordanieAzayim For Catering Services


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Suwajlih, Amman, Jordania
contact téléphone: +962 7 9810 0028
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 32.0287469, Longitude: 35.8115941

commentaires 5

  • Nezar Nuaimat

    Nezar Nuaimat


    Good food makers and catering services

  • Khaldoon



    Good service and good quality local food

  • Mouammar I. AlHadidi

    Mouammar I. AlHadidi


    It is a regular place for casual take away food

  • Amani Muaz

    Amani Muaz


    Embrace yourself. Never hesitate to chase your dreams. Never hesitate to chase your dreams.

  • Jad Madi

    Jad Madi


    Good and delicious hot meals. I like the high level of cleanness there and the good quality of their meals.

Restaurant la plus proche

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