Aristotle Cafe أرسطو كافيه w Amman

JordaniaAristotle Cafe أرسطو كافيه



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Al-Farazdaq Street, Amman, JO Иордания
kontakt telefon: +962 6 463 0077
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.9569268, Longitude: 35.9252531

komentarze 5

  • Muhammad Da'na

    Muhammad Da'na


    The staff at this cafe, although nice and friendly, need some professional training, I don't blame them, the lady manager there was not the most professional manager I met. The coffee cup I got had spilled coffee marks on it from the outside. When the bill came, I notified them I was billed more than I actually ordered. The prices are more expensive than expected. Other than that list of inconveniences the atmosphere is generally good.

  • Mutaz Al-abtah

    Mutaz Al-abtah


    Loved it ! Nice place and nice people, they have board games so you can enjoy your time with your friends.

  • Seddiqa Rahhal

    Seddiqa Rahhal


    If you are at Alweibdeh, then you better find another cafe. I used to like this place more, I love the cozy atmosphere and the beautiful decor but recently I felt that the guys their aren’t very focused, and the prices became higher than the normal range of alweibdeh prices, not just that, there’s something I truly hated, Why do they force the customer to pay for water, the table is full we already had a lot of drinks if some of us don’t want the small bottles of water they will pay for it anyway, what a waste! This would be fine in a different kind of cafe that has this kind of rule but we don’t go to these kind of cafes for a reason, and this place is losing it and becoming one of the places I’d skip, and that makes me sad.

  • bkgourmet



    Waiter was very kind and patient, even though food was slow to come out. But since they just recently started serving food; I give them a break. Food was delicious.

  • Nuria Hijazi

    Nuria Hijazi



najbliższy Kawiarnia

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