افاميا للسياحة والسفر Afamia Travel & Tourism de Amman

Jordanieافاميا للسياحة والسفر Afamia Travel & Tourism



🕗 horaire

Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Queen Alia Airport Road, Amman, JO Иордания
contact téléphone: +962 7 9783 3033
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 31.9572176, Longitude: 35.8595204

commentaires 5

  • ar

    Ahmad Tarawnah


    شركة ممتازة

  • en

    Khaldoun Tashman


  • atya nouran

    atya nouran


    خدمة ممتازة وصدق بالمواعيد

  • en

    Giovana Valdés


    Terrible service with Ibrahim. Acted as he was doing us a favor. Just took our money and didn't care to mention there were restrictions on entry to the country. What a surprise at the airport that almost ruined our vacation. I called them nonstop for over an hour to see how it could be fixed and no answer. It was very stressful. They didn't recognise it was their responsibility and acted very arrogant. At the end Ali was able to correct the mistake. No apology whatsoever from Ibrahim.

  • Raed Shatnawi

    Raed Shatnawi


    مكتب ممتاز و لكن أسعارهم شوي مبالغ فيها

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